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Unlocking the Beauty Secrets: The Skincare Benefits of Mushrooms

Natural ingredients are gradually becoming more well-known in the field of skin care as a result of the various benefits they offer. Mushrooms are one of them that has recently attracted awareness. Since true beauty comes from the inside out, our diet is very important in nourishing our skin. Regular consumption of mushrooms may have

Unlocking the Beauty Secrets: The Skincare Benefits of Mushrooms Read More »

Biotechnologist’s Startup Turns Stubble Into Eco-Friendly Packing Material, Earns Rs 15 Lakh/Year

Indore-based Pooja Dubey Pandey launched her startup Biotech Era Transforming India (BETI) to grow mushrooms using stubble, and has since expanded into packing material Pooja Dubey Pandey from Indore, Madhya Pradesh is a biotechnologist who has worked at various research institutes, including the National Institute of Virology (NIV), during a fellowship. Her research work involved

Biotechnologist’s Startup Turns Stubble Into Eco-Friendly Packing Material, Earns Rs 15 Lakh/Year Read More »

सूखी पराली की लुग्दी से तैयार किए डिस्पोजेबल बर्तन, बढ़ेगी किसानों की आय

प्रदीप ने बताया कि पराली को पानी में डुबो कर एक से दो दिन रखने के बाद उसकी लुग्दी तैयार की जाती है। लुग्दी से आसानी से डिस्पोजेबल बर्तन तैयार किया जा सकता है। ‘आम के आम गुठलियों के दाम’ और वह भी उस पराली के लिए जो पूरे उत्तर भारत में प्रदूषण का प्रमुख

सूखी पराली की लुग्दी से तैयार किए डिस्पोजेबल बर्तन, बढ़ेगी किसानों की आय Read More »

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