The Rising Star of Nutrition Market

When you’re vegan, you spend your time chasing protein, and you’re eating food that’s way too high in carbs. I could never catch up on protein.
Rick Rubin

We are aware of animal and plant-based nutrition sources in our food, but apart from this, there is also one more important nutrition source which is a complete food in itself, and many of us have either heard of it or are aware of its significance. Are you excited as well to discover this amazing superfood that is going to meet the increasing demand for quality protein with the increasing population and decreasing water and land resources?

It has been predicted that by 2050, the global population will be surpassed 9 billion, implying a rise in food consumption. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), agricultural production will have to expand by 70% to fulfill demand. Subsequently, global protein demand will rise, and in the absence of alternative sources, environmental resources will be under intense pressure. As a result, an alternative protein source, such as edible mushrooms, that can provide high-quality protein at a low cost, faster, and with little to no negative environmental impact, would be much preferred. Of the 35 billion kg of edible mushrooms that were grown in 2013, 87% were produced in China, the majority of which were consumed there. The most popular edible fungus in the Western world, the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus and related), is only fourth in terms of mushroom cultivation. Lentinula (shiitake and related species), Pleurotus (oyster mushrooms), and Auricularia (wood ear mushrooms) make up the top three. 

The human body needs protein as a macronutrient in order to grow and maintain itself. The current recommended daily intake (RDA) for protein is 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for adults, 1.5 g of protein per kilogram per day for children, and 1.0 g of protein per kilogram per day for adolescents. However, high protein diets (defined as an intake above the current RDA) are promoted intensively by the nutritional supplements industry and they are considered to be “the gold standard” by many athletes (especially bodybuilders) for muscle development and/or body fat loss. On the other hand, several scientists claim that the overuse of protein supplements or high dietary protein intake could cause disorders in human health.  Thousands of people take supplements hoping for health benefits from weight loss to muscle building, without knowing the adverse effects on health. A diet that is high in protein generates a large amount of acid in body fluids. The kidneys respond to this dietary acid challenge with net acid excretion and, concurrently, the skeleton supplies buffer by active resorption of bone resulting in excessive calcium loss. Low fluid intake and excessive intake of protein are risk factors for kidney stones. Protein ingestion increases renal acid excretion, and acid loads, in turn, may be buffered in part by bone, which releases calcium to be excreted by the kidney. Despite the fact that a short-term high-protein diet could be necessary for several pathological conditions (malnutrition, sarcopenia, etc.), it is evident that “too much of a good thing” in a diet could be useless or even harmful for healthy individuals. This can be replaced with mushrooms, which have a high protein content, a balanced vitamin and mineral profile, and a high fiber content. Additionally, mushrooms have a modest calorie content (27–30 kcal/100g) and fat content (1.3–8% of dry weight). Mushroom proteins have lately gained acceptance in the food industry in view of their high nutritional value and complete essential amino acids. Mushroom proteins often offer a full necessary amino acid profile, meeting nutritional requirements while having some financial advantages when compared to animal and plant sources. It has been considered an ingredient of gourmet cuisine across the globe; especially for its unique flavor. It is regarded as a functional food for the prevention of multiple human diseases since it supplements the human diet with a variety of bioactive molecules that have either not been identified or are insufficient in foods from plant and animal sources. 

A cardio workout increases blood flow and acts as a filter system. It brings nutrients like oxygen, protein, and iron to the muscles that you’ve been training and helps them recover faster.
Harley Pasternak

There is a broad range of edible mushrooms which remain poorly identified or even unreported which is a valuable tool as sources of bioactive compounds for bio-pharma and new dietary supplements. Those who avoid consuming animal products and may lack vitamin B12 are responsible for maintaining the myelin surrounding nerve cells, red blood cell formation, and the breaking down of fatty and amino acids to produce energy. The majority of mushroom species normally have minimal levels of vitamin B12, while plant sources do not have any at all. Shiitake mushrooms, however, have the highest concentration of vitamin B12 at 5.6 mg/100g dry weight. Shiitake mushrooms are superior to sources from both plants and animals since they have a wide range of health advantages. Shiitake mushrooms are a plant-based food that is low in fat and cholesterol, making them a heart-healthy choice. They supply critical minerals including potassium, phosphorus, and selenium as well as beneficial elements like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, lentinan, a special bioactive molecule found in shiitake mushrooms, may help the immune system.

As a good source of protein, oyster mushrooms are appropriate for vegetarians and vegans who want to improve their protein consumption. They are necessary for digestive health because of their high fiber content. It is crucial for heart health, immune system, bone health, and antioxidant defense systems because of its vitamin and mineral richness. Ergothioneine is a substance that occurs naturally in a number of mushrooms, including shiitake, oyster, and white button mushrooms. Due to the possible health benefits in the body’s capacity to battle harmful free radicals, which can lower oxidative stress and inflammation, this antioxidant has attracted attention. Studies suggest that ergothioneine may enhance immune function, protect cells from damage, and enhance overall health. It has also been linked to potential anti-aging properties and may help sustain cognitive function.

When you can get so much in mushrooms, learn to prepare your own DIY protein supplement from BETi Mushroom Powder  and learn to grow your own  fresh mushrooms from BETi GYM Mushroom grow bag at home. 

Keep reading BETi blogs, to stay updated about above said DIY protein and GYM at home !!! 🍄

Written by- Ms. Pooja Gupta, Pursuing M.Sc. Microbiology
Student Intern, Team BETi
Edited by-Ms. Paridhi Soni, Pursuing M.Sc. Applied Microbiology,
Student Team BETi
Edited by- Dr. Pooja Dubey Pandey,
M.Sc. , Ph.D. Biotechnology, Founder CEO BETi Innovative Pvt. Ltd.

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  • References:
  • Danial Grimm and Han A. B. Wosten,(2018); mushroom cultivation in the circular economy
  • Ioannis Delimaris, (2013). Adverse effects associated with protein intake above the recommended dietary allowance for adults.
  • María Elena Valverde, Talía Hernández-Pérez, and Octavio Paredes-López, (2015); Edible mushrooms: improving human health and promoting quality life.
  • V. Bell,  C. R. P. G. SilvaJ. Guina, and T. H. Fernandes, (2022). Mushrooms as future generation healthy foods.
  • Francis Ayimbila and Suttipun Keawsompong, (2023). Nutritional Quality and Biological Application of Mushroom Protein as a Novel Protein Alternative
  • Scialabba NE-H. Managing health livestock production and consumption. Elsevier; 2022. Livestock and future food supply scenarios; pp. 107–121.
  • Podkowa, A., Kryczyk-Poprawa, A., Opoka, W., & Muszyńska, B. (2021). Culinary–medicinal mushrooms: a review of organic compounds and bioelements with antioxidant activity. European Food Research and Technology, 247(3), 513–533.
  • Lesa, K. N., Khandaker, M. U., Mohammad Rashed Iqbal, F., Sharma, R., Islam, F., Mitra, S., & Emran, T. Bin. (2022). Nutritional Value, Medicinal Importance, and Health-Promoting Effects of Dietary Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Journal of Food Quality, 2022.
  • Ahmad, I., Arif, M., Xu, M., Zhang, J., Ding, Y., & Lyu, F. (2023). Therapeutic values and nutraceutical properties of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes): A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 134, 123-135.

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