Milky Mushroom-Indian Summer variety Benefits and Cultivation

Calocybe indica is the scientific name of Milky Mushroom. It is one of the best edible mushrooms which can be grown at high temperature or summer season either for commercial purpose or for home consumption. It replaces the non-vegetarian food. This edible mushroom has a longer shelf life (5~7 days) than other mushroom varieties like button and oyster etc. It is the first Indian variety (as name suggests indica) of mushroom to be commercialized.

Nutrition- It is an excellent source of high quality protein 32.2% protein (dry weight basis) in a medium sized milky mushroom and vitamins (especially Vitamin B) and Vitamin D if sun exposed. Its high fiber content (61.1% on dry weight basis) makes it excellent for stomach related ailments. Total carbohydrates reported is 59.9% and very less crude fat 0.67% . It has nutraceutical properties and extracts of milky mushroom has shown to control diabetes in rats. Milky white mushroom also has lower moisture content (85.6%) and increased fiber content (61.1% on dry weight basis)

Growing-It is comparatively easy and less expensive to grow milky mushroom than button mushroom production in tropical regions as limited infrastructure is required (cooling and heating). In most of the states it is cultivated from March to October in India. Milky Mushroom cultivation is very famous in southern parts of India. Milky mushroom can be grown on paddy straw (parali), wheat straw and other agriwaste as substrate (growing material), by simply pasteurising (selectively killing competitive fungi) throgh boiling and adding Mushroom Spawn (seeds of mushroom) with approximately 60% moisture. Maintain the bags in cool and dark place for 15 days , the desired temperature 25 to 28 degree for the mycelium (fungal white threads) is required to spread over the straw. Once this is done open the bag from top and spread a thick layer of sterilized casing layer, cover it maintain the moisture and keep in dark cool place again for 10 days or a week. After this period over, keep the bag in open cool place with enough light and fresh air, within 10 days you will be happy to see you hard work resulting in beautiful white nutritious mushroom fruiting.. BETi provides best quality of Mushroom seeds generally as per the season or on demand. To grow milky mushrooms at home you can order the mushroom seeds here or you can whatsapp at 8839575166 / 8839819024 to confirm the fresh varieties available or for the commercial growing enquire for training batches or book from website

Article by: Dr. Pooja D. Pandey (M.Sc., Ph.D. Biotechnology)

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