College Students Training (Internship/ Dissertation)


To make industrial ready workforce only achieved by prior exposure to the industrial set up through which, you will be acclimatized as team worker; interacting with end users; developing specific technologies and products. Developing prototype biotechnology products may be helpful in pushing you in best career; and foremost improving your writing and oral presentation skills. Biotech Era Transforming India-BETi Research and Training Centre provides commercial/research oriented biotechnology projects/ Internships / hands on training to students.
Duration :
1 Week, 15 days, One Month, 3 Months, 6 Months

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Projects are being offered throughout the year under the sub areas of Food Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Microbiology, Bio-Pharma Technology, Enzyme Technology, Agriculture Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Tissue Culture, Organic waste management, Waste water treatment, Mushroom cultivation and Instrumentation
Also students from Plain sciences like Botany, Zoology and Chemistry can apply.

Fee mentioned below is monthly basis

Note- For Students enrolled for 06 months project work , if their work is  appreciated by our team with appreciable results, their last two months fee will be waived off and their name can be proposed while publishing.

Final Decision will be made by the directors of BETi

Terms and Conditions applied

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